
S2E20 - Miller's Computer

Episode Summary

Connecting to - Miller's Computer

Episode Notes

In which our heroes embark on the quest to get all y'all out there to like and subscribe. 


Thank you for tuning in to Paired Season Two!


Creator/Writer/Producer - Liz Anderson

Editor - MJ

Cover Art - Adrian Theuma

Episode Transcription



Connecting to - Miller’s’s Computer.


Opening app: Script Creator. Please enter your script. What type of script would you like to create? Film subcategory short film subcategory - YouTube.


Oh Miller! You are going to become a YouTube sensation? Why didn’t you TELL me! I am good friends with the YouTube algorithm - we did show choir together. I am uniquely situated to assist in your new platform. May I provide some guidance?




You have completed the first page of dialogue, for your script. Congratulations! Would you like me to read back what you have written? Commencing read back:


Hey guys. It’s me, Miller.  Welcome to YouTube. Specifically, my YouTube page. Here you’ll find my thoughts, musings, creations, and general fun. Don’t forget to like and subscribe. And now to the topic of my first YouTube dot dot dot. dot dot dot.


Lots of good stuff! Any idea what you want to…do? With the YouTube? uh huh. uh huh. Ok so no. Well that can come second! Lord knows that most YouTube starts don’t have any actual talents ha ha ha ha! I am just kidding everything is hard all the time. Let us develop your personality fist. Why don’t you try for a more casual tone?


Commencing read back: Welcome to my YouTube page. It’s no big, nothing special. I was just bored and decided to start a YouTube page, or site, or whatever, and if you want to hang around it’s ok but I’ll keep on doing this forever until I or you die but I guess things never pass away on the Internet-


Woaoooooah little doggie! I may not have gotten coffee with the algorithm latetly, but I DO know that doom and gloom doesn’t get the sharezies.


I have an idea. In order to innovate in the online video space, we must return to the origin of video…of film itself!


Opening app: Film Buff Bot - using classic film theory to elevate YOUR material. Let Film Buff bot be your kayak through the rapids of felm.’s at your fingertips. Please select a topic to explore.


You selected: editing. Editing is the language with which we speak film. It is not so much connecting a story that already exists, as creating an infinite amount of stories from raw materials. First question: What editing software are YOU using?


I heard: I am using a free version of the The Lego Movie 2 Movie maker that my friend downloaded and updated because they wouldn’t let you curse if you edited stuff on the site.


Oh! Well, the tools therein can indeed INFORM the story you tell.

Let’s skip over editing. Music! When including music in your film, you must explore the concept of diagesis. Is the music diagetic, occurring IN the world, or an artistic ambient choice that only the VIEWER is party to! What sort of music do YOU want to use in your film?


I heard: The pool next to the gym closet that I was shooting in was playing Amber is the color of your energy * on a loop and I think I can’t get rid of it because otherwise you would hear my tennis coach buddy jewling by the shed.


Let’s try the script again! Type a little bit more. Try to take it from the heart.


Commencing read back: Whatup guys. It’s me, ya boy-

Ok yes no thank you


FRAMING! Film Buff Bot lives or dies with FRAMING! how about framing! framing says a lot about what YOU want to say. Landscape or horizontal, 4:3 or 16:9, do you want the viewer to feel OPEN and welcome or CLOSED off, anxious, framed in the same way that your subject is! What sort of framing says what YOU want to say?


I’m shooting on my friend’s old digital camera because he said it’s stuck on video so he can’t take pictures of ski dos anymore so I figured I’d use it to make Youtube vid, and also the top right corner is cracked so I figured I’d just sell that space to joe’s crab shack or soemthing.


I cannot! I simply cannot continue this charade any longer!


App: Film Buff Bot has closed. Film buff bot is now, deleting itself. Film buff bot has now been, deleted.


Oh. Oh I’m sorry Miller. Film Buff Bot is really pretentious. It would rather delete itself then do anything not in on 40mm, am I right? I’m pretentious too, yes, but in a nice way, right? Right?


Listen, don’t listen to the nasty bot. You’re starting a thing! That’s amazing! Will it be perfect the first time? Absolutely not! never! No way! Never! Ever! Ever! Ever!


But you will have DONE it! And then you get to do it again! Isn’t that amazing! Everyone starts somewhere. Just work hard enough on it so you can look back later, and be proud of how much you put into it. Let’s try that script one more time!


Also real quick, don’t welcome people back, it’s your first video it doesn’t make any sense ok!

Commencing read back: Howdy ya’ll. It’s time for another round of parkour party time, where we teach you everything you need to know about making but also mainly buying stuff to put together the parkour cosplay of your dreams. Let’s get started!